b'drinksgiving thanksgiving dinner, round 2The night before Thanksgiving is a time to meet up with friends and family who have come home forIf ever there is a perfect time for leftovers, it is Thanksgiving. In fact, the leftovers are just as traditional asThanksgiving gatherings. Known as Drinksgiving, friends gather in bars to hang out and reconnect before athe holiday itself. Here are some of our favorites. day of heavy eating. This year, November 25th will look a bit different, with social distancing in play and restrictions on large gatherings, but thats no reason not to have fun and make the most of Thanksgiving Eve!hot turkey, cheddar & apple sandwichTop a slice of toasted whole grain bread with turkey slices, followed by sliced Cheddar or Gouda. Broil until cheese melts then add thin slices bacon bloody marys of Granny Smith apple and leftover Bloody Marys: Grab your favorite Bloody Mary mix and makecranberry sauce. Serve open-face or a pitcher according to package directions. Cook strips of G.A.P.top with another slice of bread. Certified bacon so its extra crispy and set aside. turkey breakfast hashRimmer: Pour a Tbsp. of worchestershire sauce onto a smallAn easy breakfast the day after! In plate. Place equal amounts (about 1/2 tsp. each) fine sea salta bowl, whisk 1 2 eggs per person. or celery salt and ground chile of your choice (like Chimayo,Heat a large skillet, add 2 table-pasilla, or ancho) on another small plate. Stir to combine andspoons of butter, chopped turkey, push towards the edges of the plate, forming a ring aboutchopped onions, cubed potatoes the size of your drink glass. Turn each glass upside down(use frozen tater tots to make it a and swirl the glass rim first through the worchestershire,breeze), peppers and fresh sage. then through the salt and chile blend. Saut in pan until heated and vegeta-Pour Bloody Marys into rimmed glasses and insert baconbles soften. Add eggs and scramble, into the glasses to use as a swizzle stick. Garnish with celery,stirring frequently, until well mixed olives, pickles or a mini meatball skewer. and eggs are cooked. Top with cooked and crumbled G.A.P. Certi-fied bacon or sausage. soup stock Place the turkey carcass (you may need to break it up) in a large stock turkey enchiladas pot. Add roughly chopped celery, Look for the Label!carrots, and quartered onions. If you CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE2Tbsp. butter have any pan drippings left from ABOUT OUR PROGRAM, ANDmaking gravy, add those too, as well CERTIFIED PARTNERS AND1/4cup all-purpose flourBRANDS. 2 1/2cups G.A.P. Certified chicken broth as sprigs of thyme and rosemary 1tsp. dried coriander and a handful of peppercorns. Add 1can (4 oz.) chopped green chiles, divided enough water to cover everything in 2cups cubed cooked turkey the pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce need a little nosh? 1cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese heat and simmer until liquid has re-Its always a good idea to whip up some fun snacks when hanging out with friends, either in person8flour tortillas (8 inches), warmed duced to half. About 34 hours. Re-on virtually. Here are some easy to make appetizers featuring G.A.P. Certified products. 1cup shredded cheddar cheese move larger items from the stock pot then strain stock through a fine-meshFork in the Road Little Goodies Cocktail Hot Dogs and BBQ sauce. Melt butter in a large saucepan. Stir in flour until smooth. Gradually addsieve over a large bowl. Use the stockCaulipower New Chick on the Block Spicy-ish Chicken Tenders or Strips and blue cheese dip. broth. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened. Stirto make soup with leftover turkey orPlatter Applegate Naturals sliced deli meats, 3 Little Pigs Pat, sliced cheeses and olives for anin coriander and half of the chiles. freeze it for use later on. antipasti platter. Have a fire pit? Roast Wellshire Hot Dogs and Charcutnovo Sausages over a fire. In a large bowl, combine the turkey, Monterey Jack cheese and remain- Feeling fancy? Top mini toasts with a dollop of fig spread, Manchego cheese and ing chilies. Have a favorite way toLa Quercia Prosciutto. Spoon 1/3 cup turkey mixture onto each tortilla; roll up. Place seam sideleftover? Share on social media with the hashtagdown in an ungreased 13x9 baking dish. Pour sauce over enchiladas.#MakeItGAPSprinkle with cheddar cheese. Bake, uncovered, at 375 F for 15-18minutes or until heated through and cheese is melted.8| G.A.P. Thanksgiving Gude 2020 G.A.P. Thanksgiving Gude 2020|9'