b'maple-braised turkey legs and thighsoven roasted Serves 6turkey breast 3 lbs. G.A.P. Certified turkeyServe 57 legs and thighsSalt1 G.A.P. Certified bone-in whole turkey breastgood gravy! Pepper (4to 5 lbs.), thawed if frozen Turkey never goes anywhere without its trusty sidekick,1/4 cup all-purpose flour1/2cup butter, melted gravy. Making your own turkey gravy using the pan23 Tbsp. olive oil1/4 cup dry white wine or apple juice drippings is flavorful, easy and all about ratios. You can1 onion, sliced2 Tbsp. fresh thyme leaves, chopped OR 1-1/2adjust the amount of gravy you make by using smaller1 cup apple cider vinegar tsp. dried thyme leaves or higher amounts of the ingredients.1 cup maple syrup1 tsp. salt 2 cups chicken stock1 tsp. paprika Once the turkey is out of the roasting pan, strain the2 dried bay leaves2 cloves garlic, minced drippings through a sieve over a bowl. In a medium1-2 fresh sage sprigs2 tsp. cornstarch saucepan (or in the roasting pan itself) over medium/ Several fresh thyme sprigs2 Tbsp. cold water high heat whisk 1/4 cup of the strained drippings and 1/4 cup flour together until golden and fragrant. AboutPreheat oven to 275 F. Pat turkey Heat oven to 325 F. Place turkey, skin side up, on 12 minutes. Whisk in 3 cups chicken broth. Bring tolegs and thighs dry and generous-rack in large, shallow roasting pan. Roast uncovereda boil, reduce heat and simmer until thickened, aboutly sprinkle with salt and pepper. for 1 hour.10 to 15 minutes. Season to taste with salt, pepper andDredge in flour.herbs. Mix butter, wine or apple juice, thyme, salt, paprika andHeat olive oil in a Dutch oven over garlic. Remove turkey breast from oven and brush withmedium-high heat. Once the oil half of the butter mixture. Roast for 30 more minutes.shimmers, add turkey, skin-side Brush with remaining butter mixture and roast for onedown, making sure not to over-hour or more, until thermometer reads 165 F. Removecrowd the pan. Cook until browned, turkey breast from oven and let rest for 30 minutes.about five minutes. Flip and cook until the other sides brown, about Make sure to save the pan drippings for gravy! five more minutes. If the Dutch oven starts to get too hot, you can turn the heat down to medium.After you brown all the turkey, turn the heat down to medium if you ha-vent already and place the browned turkey on a separate plate. If neces-brine, pound, sary, add a little more oil to the pan. RECIPE stuff and roll Cook the onion slices for about four minutes. Pour in the apple cider and This recipe for Turkey Roulade with Fontinascrape up the brown bits.and Sage brings a delicious twist to Thanks- Stir in the maple syrup, chicken giving. Using boneless turkey breasts, youstock, bay leaves, sage and thyme. can adjust the recipe depending on howAdd turkey and bring the mixture to many you are serving. Click the icon abovea boil.to get the recipe!Move the Dutch oven to the 275 F oven and cook uncovered for two hours. The turkey is done when the a meat thermometer inserted intono turkey dinner is completethe thickest part of the legs and thighs reads 165 F. without the sides!carving how-to From Bacon Cornbread to Sausage Stuffing,Click to watch our favorite turkey carving how-to video from The Culinary Institute of America. s RECIPE we have you covered! Click the icon to the left Adapted from burrataandbubbles.com to see some of our favorite recipes.6| G.A.P. Thanksgiving Gude 2020 VIDEOG.A.P. Thanksgiving Gude 2020|7'